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The importance of office acoustic solutions.

Corporate news

Disruptive noise is everywhere in offices – telephones, chatter from colleagues, noise from printers and other office services. They are part and parcel of office life, despite being particularly distracting for workers and contributing to low productivity. Studies have shown that two of the most vital attributes of a functioning office worker, reading comprehension and memory, are those most sensitive to environmental noise.

Modern offices are often without partitions and cubicles –exposing workers to nearby conversations. In the open plan office environment, people are asked to collaborate and concentrate in the same space, leaving them exposed to an elevated level of stimuli, which includes everything from a co-worker’s conversation to the neighborhood espresso machine.

So how can organizations provide high-performing work environments that leverage the real benefits of the open plan while simultaneously addressing the drawbacks that come with it?
Addressing acoustical comfort in the office is key.    
The introduction and strategic location of sound absorbing surfaces together with appropriate acoustic barriers will contribute towards providing an environment that creates maximum comfort for staff and can ensure good productivity. No matter what type of office space you are in; open plan, private office, meeting room, the pre-requisites for acoustic comfort, speech intelligibility and speech privacy are the same.

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